Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Integrated Architecture for the Electrical Detection of Plasmonic Resonances Based on High Electron Mobility Photo-Transistors

Nanoscale , 2013, Accepted Manuscript

DOI: 10.1039/C3NR04666D, Paper

Davide Sammito, Davide De Salvador, Pierfrancesco Zilio, Giorgio Biasiol, Tommaso Ongarello, Michele Massari, Gianluca Ruffato, Margherita Morpurgo, Davide Silvestri, Gianluigi Maggioni, Gianluca Bovo, Michele Gaio, Filippo Romanato

We report the design of an integrated platform for on-chip electrical transduction of the surface plasmon resonance supported by a nanostructured metal grating. The latter is fabricated on the active...

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