Thursday, April 24, 2014

Structure-related antibacterial activity of a titanium nanostructured surface fabricated by glancing angle sputter deposition

The aim of this study was to reproduce the physico-mechanical antibacterial effect of the nanocolumnar cicada wing surface for metallic biomaterials by fabrication of titanium (Ti) nanocolumnar surfaces using glancing angle sputter deposition (GLAD). Nanocolumnar Ti thin films were fabricated by GLAD on silicon substrates. S. aureus as well as E. coli were incubated with nanostructured or reference dense Ti thin film test samples for one or three hours at 37 °C. Bacterial adherence, morphology, and viability were analyzed by fluorescence staining and scanning electron microscopy and compared to human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). Bacterial adherence was not significantly different after short (1 h) incubation on the dense or the nanostructured Ti surface. In contrast to S. aureus the viability of E . coli was significantly decreased after 3 h on the nanostructured film compared to the dense film and was accompanied by an irregular morphol...

Christina Sengstock, Michael Lopian, Yahya Motemani, Anna Borgmann, Chinmay Khare, Pio John S Buenconsejo, Thomas A Schildhauer, Alfred Ludwig and Manfred Köller

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