Monday, May 12, 2014

Emergence of Metallicity in Silver Clusters in the 150 Atom Regime: A Study of Differently Sized Silver Clusters

Nanoscale , 2014, Accepted Manuscript

DOI: 10.1039/C4NR00679H, Paper

Indranath Chakraborty, Jayanthi Erusappan, Anuradha Govindarajan, Sugi K S, Udaya Bhaskara Rao Thumu, Atanu Ghosh, T. Pradeep

We report the systematic appearance of a plasmon-like optical absorption feature in silver clusters protected with 2-phenylethanethiol (PET), 4-flurothiophenol (4-FTP) and (4-(t-butyl)benzenethiol (BBS), as a function of cluster size. A...

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