Thursday, May 08, 2014

Topological field-effect quantum transistors in HgTe nanoribbons

We propose practical designs to realize topological field-effect quantum transistors in an HgTe nanoribbon with an inverted band structure. Our theoretical calculations show that, as a strip-shape top gate is placed on the HgTe nanoribbon and with an increasing gate voltage, two new conductance channels develop in the HgTe nanoribbon and are localized to the lattice sites neighboring the boundaries of the gate, leading to an additional quantization of the conductance of 2 e 2 / h . The quantum states in the new channels are not only robust against a short-range Anderson disorder, but can also couple with the intrinsic helical edge states in the boundaries of the HgTe nanoribbon to open a gap in the energy spectrum, indicating their topological characteristics. More importantly, the newly developed conductance channels can be turned on or off easily by adjusting the gate voltage. The proposal of controllable topological edge states produced by the gate voltage...

Hua-Hua Fu, Jin-Hua Gao and Kai-Lun Yao

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